anynines website



Julian Fischer

Published at 29.05.2014

Digital Transformation

anynines Joins the Cloud Foundry Foundation

We are excited to announce our participation in the Cloud Foundry Foundation, a non profit organization aiming at accelerating the adoption of the Cloud Foundry open source project. By joining the Foundation we intend to contribute our share to create an open source PaaS standard and share our excitement for the platform with the community.

A journey to Cloud Foundry

While advancing our expertise in hosting and software development in the past years we felt the need for a next step in the evolution of hosting. As our developer team follows the agile approach for creating software in iterative cycles we rely on a simple application deployment process and robust hosting. With the rise of new technologies, programming languages and frameworks we have to be able to run each kind of application regardless of the used framework or language.

Our investigations led us to the Cloud Foundry project which allows us to unite our way of software development with the increasing requirements in hosting. By using the Cloud Foundry PaaS our developers are able to create their own staging and live environments including the ability to scale applications as needed while decreasing our administrative efforts. We also want to provide our customers with the latest technology for implementing their visions which is the reason for choosing Cloud Foundry as a basis for

Cloud Foundry Summit

As we did last year, we will be attending the next Cloud Foundry Summit from the 9th until the 11th of June 2014 in San Francisco. The summit is a great opportunity to meet the community behind Cloud Foundry and talk about the future of the CF eco system. If you would like to join us you can register here.

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