Patrick Hartz
Published at 03.12.2021
Even though it’s late in the year, it doesn’t mean it’s not a good time for a bike tour.
At least in the wonderful region around the Saarschleife, with its magnificent views and the beautiful Autumn colours of the trees on the hillsides.
Since cycling is more fun with friends, the idea was born to organize a tour with colleagues from anynines. A small group quickly signed up and we were able to agree on a date. Due to various personal matters, we ended up with 6 people. But hey… We still had tons of fun.
Although small, our group had mixed experience levels at biking, so we opted for a path with little inclination and altitude. We met just before the Saarschleifenlodge below the Cloef. There is also a small pier for a little ferry.
We started the tour in the direction of Mettlach, drove over the ship lock to the ferry landing stage on the other side of the Saar, from there we went on to Gangolf. To finish the first part of our tour, we drove up the hill to Montclair Castle.
The way back was not as easy as planned, as it was a bit steeper than expected. Instead of taking the ferry to the other side, as was our original plan, we decided to drive back towards the lock.
With about 10°C and the appropriate clothing, we could enjoy the tour without rain, making this the perfect weather for the tour.
Even though in our small group there were people of different physical conditions – and an e-bike rider – in the end, everyone survived, and we all enjoyed a meal together in the Mettlach Brauhaus.
I’m pretty sure, this will, not be the last tour. I am already thinking of a new opportunity, perhaps around Niederwürzbach and its pond, this could be a lightweight MTB with some single trails.
Or a trip through the Bliesgau over concrete country lanes. Perhaps both let’s wait and see what next year has in store for us.
Ride on!
If you are interested in the planned tour, I created a publicly available tour on Komoot.
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