Michael Both
Published at 21.12.2020
Authentication methods are currently not supported in Prometheus, nor its related components like the Pushgateway.
However, this can be added via reverse proxies. Pushing it as an app to Cloud Foundry with neither the go-buildpack nor the binary-buildpack will give you such functionality. The staticfile-buildpack supports configuring basic authentication.
This article describes how to push the Pushgateway to Cloud Foundry using the staticfile-buildpack with basic authentication.
Table of Contents
First, let’s create a workspace directory for our project and change into it. Every file we create will be placed into that directory. The rest of the tutorial is using paths relative to that directory, so you may change it to your liking.
Code Example
1$ mkdir -p ~/workspace/apps/pushgateway
2$ cd ~/workspace/apps/pushgateway
We will use the binary release of the Pushgateway, so head over to the Github release page and download the respective Linux-amd64 archive of the version compatible with your Prometheus installation. For our purpose, we’ll be using the current version 1.0.0.
Code Example
1$ wget https://github.com/prometheus/pushgateway/releases/download/v1.0.0/pushgateway-1.0.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
2$ wget https://github.com/prometheus/pushgateway/releases/download/v1.0.0/sha256sums.txt
3$ sha256sum -c <(grep pushgateway-1.0.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz sha256sums.txt)
4pushgateway-1.0.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz: OK
If the shasum check is OK, extract the binary and remove what is not needed anymore.
On Linux (GNU tar installed):
Code Example
1$ tar xzf pushgateway-1.0.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz --wildcards --strip-components=1 */pushgateway
2$ rm pushgateway-1.0.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz sha256sums.txt
For MacOS users (BSD tar installed):
Code Example
1$ tar xzf pushgateway-1.0.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz --strip-components=1 */pushgateway
2$ rm pushgateway-1.0.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz sha256sums.txt
The staticfile-buildpack is designed to serve files like HTML or CSS via an integrated NGINX server. Basic authentication is set using a special file Staticfile.auth that the buildpack will read at container start and setup NGINX accordingly.
The file is in the typical .htpasswd file format and can be created using the following command (I will use pushgateway as the username, but you may choose whatever suits you):
Code Example
1$ echo "pushgateway:$(openssl passwd -1)" > Staticfile.auth
Set the password and confirm it and you’re good to go.
Everything except for the manifest.yml and files/folders listed in a .cfignore will be integrated to /home/vcap/app in the container.
NGINX is started by default via app/boot.sh on container start. But since we also want to start the pushgateway process, this needs to be changed.
Create the following manifest.yml file your workspace folder:
Code Example
2name: pushgateway
3disk_quota: 256M
4memory: 256M
5command: exec /home/vcap/app/start.sh
6buildpack: staticfile_buildpack
This will change the command executed at container start to /home/vcap/app/start.sh, which has yet to be created by us.
All you need to do is to start the pushgateway in the background and continue with the default startup.
Code Example
3/home/vcap/app/pushgateway --web.listen-address &
However, this does not redirect requests to yet. Instead, it serves all files in the workspace directory to the world, which is not what we want.
To change this, the buildpack offers a way to customize the location block. We have to set root and location_include in a file named Staticfile:
Code Example
1root: htdocs
2location_include: includes/*.conf
I have chosen htdocs to serve as the root location, but you can use whatever you like. But if you leave it like that, you will get a staging error because the root directory is empty.
Code Example
1-----> Root folder /tmp/app/htdocs
2 **ERROR** Invalid root directory: the application Staticfile specifies a root directory htdocs that does not exist
All you need to do is add a dummy index.html file
Code Example
1$ mkdir -p htdocs
2$ echo "<h1>Nothing here</h1>" > htdocs/index.html
It doesn’t matter what content you add here, because it should actually never be displayed.
The location_include directive is relative to the /home/vcap/app/nginx/conf directory. NGINX will load any *.conf file there which we will use to configure the location. But as the workspace directory is added to /home/vcap/app, we need to create additional directories.
Code Example
1$ mkdir -p nginx/conf/includes
Then add the following content to nginx/conf/includes/pushgateway.conf with your favorite editor:
Code Example
2proxy_set_header Host $host;
3proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
4proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-for $remote_addr;
Your scrape config must be adjusted to scrape with basic authentication (see Prometheus Configuration).
If you deploy Prometheus with prometheus-boshrelease, the internal pushgateway does not have basic-auth support at the moment and there are no ops files to scrape an external pushgateway. But you can add a custom ops file like the following to the deployment to make up for it.
Code Example
1- type: replace
2 path: /instance_groups/name=prometheus2/jobs/name=prometheus2/properties?/prometheus/scrape_configs/-
3 value:
4 job_name: pushgateway
5 static_configs:
6 - targets:
7 - ((pushgateway_host))
8 scheme: https
9 basic_auth:
10 username: ((pushgateway_basicauth.username))
11 password: ((pushgateway_basicauth.password))
If you use credhub to store your deployment secrets (recommended), you need to set the pushgateway_basicauth user credentials and pushgateway_host.
For example using the credhub CLI (replace the paths and values with respect to your environment):
Code Example
1$ credhub set -n /bosh/prometheus/pushgateway_host -t value -v pushgateway.app.domain.tld
2$ credhub set -n /bosh/prometheus/pushgateway_basicauth -t user --username=pushgateway --password="REPLACE_ME"
In case you already have an external pushgateway setup without authentication, you can deploy this change without breaking metrics scraping. This is how we transitioned to an external pushgateway with basic authentication smoothly. That is because a pushgateway without an authentication set will just ignore the additional credentials. In the next step, you can then push the basic-auth enabled pushgateway to Cloud Foundry.
The only thing that might break is if your configuration so far does not use HTTPS, but you could also just remove the scheme line from the ops file above to use HTTP (not recommended).
The final step is just to push the pushgateway to Cloud Foundry by simply using
Code Example
1$ cf push
after you logged in and chose the org/space where you want it to be deployed.
Finally, let’s test pushing metrics and reading them from the pushgateway.
Should fail:
Code Example
1$ metrics="# TYPE test_metric gauge
2test_metric{job=\"test\"} 0"
3$ curl -i --data-binary <(echo "$metrics") https://pushgateway.app.domain.tld/metrics/job/test
4HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
7$ curl -i https://pushgateway.app.domain.tld/metrics
8HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Should work:
Code Example
1$ metrics="# TYPE test_metric gauge
2test_metric{job=\"test\"} 0"
3$ curl -i --user "pushgateway:REPLACE_ME" --data-binary @<(echo "$metrics") https://pushgateway.app.domain.tld/metrics/job/test
4HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
7$ curl -i --user "pushgateway:REPLACE_ME" https://pushgateway.app.domain.tld/metrics
8HTTP/1.1 200 OK
In this tutorial, we have seen how to use staticfile-buildpack to deploy the Prometheus Pushgateway to Cloud Foundry with basic authentication. It is a rather long procedure and there were some traps on the way because the staticfile-buildpack probably isn’t directly meant for this kind of usage, but once done even updates are rather simple by simply exchanging the Pushgateway binary.
One thing, however, is not covered here and should be improved upon, and that is health monitoring/restarting of the pushgateway process in case it crashes. But this is for another time.
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